Gen Z workers embracing AI

09 Oct 2023

Young tech workers throughout Europe believe the recent developments in AI (artificial intelligence) will significantly boost their industry. This is according to a new survey of Gen Z workers across the continent and comes despite warnings AI may lead to widespread redundancies. The second Young Generation in Tech survey, commissioned by HR tech leader HiBob along with global Venture Capital fund Eight Roads, shows that nearly 4 in 5 of the 2,000 20-30-year-olds polled in Europe believe AI will positively impact their work.

AI confidence

Confidence surrounding AI is highest in the UK, according to this survey. Over 85% of Gen Z tech workers are "somewhat" or "very confident" about AI and tech advances. In addition, 78% of UK workers think AI will enhance productivity, efficiency and creativity; in contrast, just 9% said they don't plan on using AI tools. This is even though media reports have concentrated on AI's threat to the future of work. One example is a report earlier this year from Goldman Sachs that forecasts AI could replace 300 million full-time jobs. Yet 78% of the young European workers surveyed are confident about the tech's impact on their jobs.

Turnaround in optimism

As well as AI making a radical uptick in confidence among Gen Z workers, this year, the number of Europeans unhappy in their jobs has more than halved, down to 15% from 35%. This compared to a year ago when one in four came close to resigning. Furthermore, 48% of those polled in Europe claim to be "very satisfied" with their role, whilst 63% have no plans to leave their job. Job satisfaction is higher still in Britain, with 58% of workers "very satisfied" and 77% planning to remain in their role for the foreseeable future. Davor Hebel, Managing Partner at Eight Roads Ventures, said of the findings: "It's heartening to see confidence recover amongst the tech's youngest workers. Despite the ongoing economic uncertainty, today's young professionals are proving just how resilient and adaptable they can be. Not surprisingly, they are the fastest generation to embrace AI, seeing it as a strong productivity lever and not a threat. AI is one of the most significant innovations of our time, and it's great to see younger people so engaged with it."