January one of the busiest months for job hunting

15 Jan 2024

The new job trend at the start of a new year is actually nothing new. Yet in 2023, January saw a particular surge, with job applications up 32% over the average in 2022, exceeding any other month. January remains the busiest month for recruitment, and according to specialist logistics recruiter Innovate Talent, the same is forecasted for January. Even though the recruitment landscape has changed significantly over the past few years, with ongoing inflation, applicant shortages and heightened competition in the jobs market, the January spike is still prevalent. Research reveals that 75% of employees actively sought out new opportunities in January, and company profiles on Glassdoor soared by around 55% over the month.

January a time for fresh starts

According to Innovate Talent’s Talent Solutions Manager, Mark Chopping, the first month of the new year is a time for fresh starts for many. And it’s not just about making resolutions. “Something is in the air; everyone is reviewing their current situation, whether that be lifestyle, diet, or job role – it’s inescapable! For many, returning after an extended period out of work makes them realise how much they dislike their current job or simply want a new challenge. For others, they held off in December as they were waiting for their end-of-year bonus. January also offers a quieter period, giving the time and space to think about a new job or go to interviews.”

January a time for firms to reassess

Businesses often view January as the ideal month to reevaluate workforce needs and ensure they’re aligned with long-term goals. Indeed, the first month of the year is typically when many companies have finalised annual budgets, so they know what costs have been allocated to recruitment. Indeed, the recruitment surge at the start of the year coincides with a broader pattern forecast for 2024, with almost half of employees likely to actively look for a new job. This is especially prevalent amongst workers aged between 18 and 24, at 63%. The Talent Solutions Manager added: “For some areas of education, January also marks the start of a new academic year, which means there’s an influx of active job seekers, graduates, and fresh talent which employers can access.”

Navigating the hike in competition for roles

Of course, with the massive number of career opportunities that emerge in January, the competition will also increase. As such, make sure your CV is up to date and ensure you include any key technical skills. Concise and precise is the way forward! Also, don’t forget to brush up on your interview technique. Ensure you’ve done your research and practised your interview and presentation techniques to enable you to make the best first impression!